Joe Gutowski is 68 years old and has lived in Hadley Township in Lapeer County with his wife of 43 years since 2001.

While attending Wayne State University, Joe interned between 1974 and 1976 as a legislative agent for Common Cause, and after Common Cause announced a pioneering effort on November 5th, 1975, to introduce more truth and honesty into political campaigning by setting a code of standards for presidential candidates, he was assigned to travel with presidential candidate Morris Udall to his campaign activities to monitor his campaign’s compliance in the 1976 Presidential Election.

While working as a lobbyist, Joe worked with Common Cause to promote Michigan Initiated Law 1 of 1976, commonly referred to as the Bottle Bill, which will hopefully soon be expanded after new legislation was introduced July 5th, which aims to expand the law to include a 10-cent deposit for all non-carbonated drinks except milk containers. Joe also worked with Common Cause on the Michigan Open Meetings Act, Act 267 of 1976, and the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, Act 388 of 1976.

Joe subsequently worked as a lobbyist before moving into the corporate world where in later years he used his lobbying skills to negotiate multinational contracts. Joe spent 10 years working as a volunteer in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of American organization mentoring fatherless boys, coached youth hockey, and worked with K-9 Stray Rescue where he helped renovate a kennel to house over 100 homeless dogs, personally caring for many of those dogs several nights a week while they waited for their forever home.

Since retiring, Joe has spent a great deal of time providing aid to elderly members of his community, advocating for his neighbors in disputes with utilities, and he has worked to bring internet to many of his neighbors in Hadley Township and continues to work to bring high-speed internet to the residents of Lapeer County, and to residents of the state of Michigan.

Joe is a registered lobbyist agent and currently lobbies for the Rural Caucus, and the Rural Michigan Action Alliance, and more specifically for the residents of rural communities throughout Michigan whose needs are often not adequately represented in the Michigan Capitol.