Rural Michigan Action Alliance

Helping Bring Rural Michigan Voices to the Front

Rural Summit 2024

Join the Rural Michigan Action Alliance as it hosts this year’s Rural Summit at Shanty Creek on April 13! It will be a day of getting to know other rural folks from all over Michigan, learning about issues, advocacy and community-building and meeting elected officials. Rural Michigan occupies the majority of area and 25% of Michigan’s population. It has it’s own unique challenges and assets. Let’s work together to make our rural communities the best they can be. We hope you will attend.

Mission Statement

The Rural Michigan Action Alliance brings people together to advocate for government that works for everyone. Together, through education, engagement, and action, we work to promote thriving people, places, and communities throughout rural Michigan.

Growing Community Support and Voices
Non-Partisan Rural Michigan political organization for helping voices be heard.

Our Vision

Rural Michiganders will have a strong voice at every level of government. We live in communities with the equitable resources we need to be healthy and safe, economically secure, and active participants in our American democracy.